Friday, November 11, 2011

Love and Sacrifice

It's Veteran's Day.

After 2 days & 2 nights in the Marshall Islands.  I think they call that the 1000-yard stare

Bomber breaks up with a 10-member crew inside

Border of North & South Korea

Men from the USS Hornet fire 40 mm anti-aircraft guns at kamikaze pilots

B-17 and B-24 Bombers over Germany


Close one
American casualties at Antietam, 1862
B-17 with a German fighter on his tail

Barney kids in 1968 enjoying freedom and peace

It was 20-30 degrees below zero up there

Looks fun, huh?

Barney family in 1967

Barneys at Payson Lake in 1993

Big camp out with cousins at the redwoods in California, 1974.  I'm the little fellow.

Death March in Baatan, The Philippines

My brother Bob and me.  Bob was in the Navy for 20 years.  Thanks, Bob!

Bob, Irch & me on top of Mt. Timpanogos in 1999

Bombers over Romania.  Bombing the oil fields were probably some of the most effective missions flown.

Combat operations on Bougainville

Burial at sea in the Pacific

Mom & Barney kids with her Mom and Sister & some cousins.  I'm the little fellow with his mouth open.

This is a poignant scene in a 1946 movie called "The Best Years of Our Lives".  The actor signing his name really did lose his arms, but in a training accident.  He made training films for people in his same situation, coming home with severe injuries.  I recommend this movie.

Sunken Road.  American Civil War.

Barney clan visiting baby David (deceased 1960) in Idaho in 2004

Doolittle's raid on the Japanese mainland, April 1942.

Eisenhower visits tank troops in Europe

Emilie and me camping in Ouray, CO last summer.

Emilie & me at Tulip Festival at Thanksgiving Pointe, UT last year.

Em & me at Color Festival in Spanish Fork, UT last year.
Em & me camping near Logan, UT a couple years back.

Barney kids and a couple youngans a few years ago.

My brothers & me.  I'm the fat one.

Em & me at the 4th of July fireworks in Provo, UT in 2009

Em & me on the day I proposed in 2009

American casualties in the Civil War

Americans died here.

Beach landing in the Pacific

Manning a machine gun on Bougainville

That's me on the right, & my Mom and Her Mom & a couple brothers and a couple nieces



A father's funeral. 

I don't know what to say here, except Thank You.

Em and me playing in the leaves last month.

Boom!  Look how the ship shifted to the right.

I don't know what to say here, except I'm sorry for your loss.

My brother and me about to watch the Mormon Miracle Pageant in Manti, UT

Famous photo of flag raising at Iwo Jima.  Horns are sounding from hundreds of ships surrounding the island.

Happy birthday to me, 11/9/2011

Nap time at the in-laws on Christmas, 2008

My Santa Dad and me back in the early 80's. I'm the fat one.  I'm now the same age as he was then.  Weird.

My nephew Jake & me back sometime.  He'll be 18 next month.

My sis-in-law Toshiko and my niece in Niihama, Japan in 1994
Toting my nieces in1993
Watching Sydnie cast for fishes last summer 
2 kamikaze attacked.  Almost 350 killed.
Kamikaze just about to hit.  Moments before death for some.

That's the lead bomber up there, flying over Mt. Fuji in Japan

Always nice to not get shot at when you come to shore.

The day after D-Day on Omaha Beach in Normandy, France.  They flew the blimp-looking balloons attached to wire cables to discourage enemy planes from flying right in on 'em.

My brother Mike's family and me at Universal Studios in December, 2000

Camping back in the day.  I'm the little blond one with his head turned.  Looks like Payson canyon to me.

Wounded in flight.

D-Day in Normandy France.

D-Day in Normandy, France

A risky dash on Iwo Jima.


Having a burger with my brother in Spanish Fork, UT

Pretending I can play.  Brother Mike's family there.

That's me with my nieces


Emilie trying on wedding dresses.  Her Mom, Syd and I are in the mirror.

Red Beach on Iwo Jima

My brother & sister and me.  I'm the skinny in the middle.

Thank you

Beach landings in the Pacific

My brothers & sister & me before family vacation to California in 1974.  I'm on the right, the little fellow.


American Cemetery in Europe.

American POW's in Yokohama, Japan liberated.

Americans surrendering in The Philippines

After kamikaze attacks.

More kamikaze attacks.

Landings in the Pacific

WAVES quality checking equipment.

Ultimate sacrifice.  At first I thought how sad that the men in the background have been so hardened by their experiences that they hardly notice this dead soldier.  Then I saw the 2 rifles placed as a cross next to him.

The Red Ball Express rolled supplies to the front from ports in Normandy continuously, 24 hours a day trying to keep up with the army's successful drive across France.  They were mostly driven by Black soldiers. 

Raiders with their nice doggies.

A soldier's best friend.

So many more would have died without them.

One of these is The Arizona.  Battleships represented the ultimate power on the sea until Pearl Harbor promoted the Air Craft Carrier to its status.  They still impress me.

Forced to salute the fuhrer

Em & me.  Engagement Pics

Em & me down by Cedar City.

Em & me getting our engagement pictures made.

Engagement pics at Cedar Breaks

Well, how did you like the photos?  It may seem odd to mix pictures of family fun and pictures of wartime.  I hope you got the drift of my statement.  Thank you veterans for all you do and have done for me and those I love. 


  1. Not at all odd. Thanks for the reminder.

  2. I understand. Wonderful juxtaposition. I was surprised by my own emotional response. Thanks.

  3. thanks for all the pictures--We take way too much for granted.
    Soooo, You got engaged in St Geo? Awesome couple!
